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Climate strike on March 15: Public Eye calls for solidarity with protesting students
Zurich / Lausanne, March 8, 2019
Public eye
At #FridaysForFuture, young people take the planet's future into their own hands and denounce the indifference and selfishness of the powerful. Persistently and radically they challenge established conditions and dangerous habits. The young people have every reason to do so - and they have our support. Because global responsibility (and thus climate justice) starts with us.
In 1972, the study "The Limits to Growth" was presented in St. Gallen. In it, the authors warned of humanitarian crises and irreparable environmental damage by unchecked growth and hoped at the same time that mankind would succeed in reaching new and sustainable states of equilibrium. The study became a bestseller, but hopes remained unfulfilled. In 1990, the International Climate Council (IPCC) presented its first report in Geneva, urgently warning against global warming and rising sea levels if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced. In the meantime, we have arrived at the fifth IPCC report, but policy measures are still in the pipeline.
The young people who have been striking in Switzerland since December were born into a climate policy standstill and rightly call out: "We are here! We are loud! Because you steal the future from us! "Not only do they pose the obvious and embarrassing question," why have not you done all these years, you knew it? " Moreover, they do the only sensible thing in this situation: they no longer hope for the insight of the powerful, but themselves initiate the necessary reversal. School and politics should be proud of this commitment instead of responding to threats and unexcused absences.
The climate strike movement also criticizes the environmental balance sheet of corporations and at the same time rejects their claims to ownership of the resources of our planet. It criticizes the decades-long failure of politics to place global climate justice and thus the well-being of all people above private profit interests. Increasingly desperate try some property wardens and climate deniers to defame the strikers as blinded. It is the other way round: The youthful movement is powerful and at the same time light, because it no longer intimidates and controls itself from outdated and demonstrably harmful ideologies. In view of the state of our world, demands for abandoning the dogma of growth, the end of the fossil era, and effective political intervention in the economy are only logical and pragmatic.
The new climate movement is also so powerful because it makes climate and environmental protection not primarily our all consumer behavior, but the policy responsible. It does matter what and how much is consumed. But systemic problems call for systemic solutions, and that requires bold political measures.
Public Eye is convinced that a grandson-capable world is possible. The recognition and respect of our ecological limits is an indispensable prerequisite for this. Effective climate and environmental protection is also inseparable from democracy and social justice.
The global climate strike movement shows how much strength and creativity is released when we tackle the transformation of our economic and lifestyles together, when we struggle with our contradictions without being discouraged by those in the dark, when we develop concrete solutions and new perspectives together : In our minds and in our everyday lives, on the streets and squares, in schools and colleges, in companies and associations, in politics and at the polls.
Therefore, we join the climatic strikers on 15 March and call for solidary Mitdemonstrieren. The Public Eye Secretariat will be closed on the next #FridayForFuture.
Public eye
Dienerstrasse 12
P.O. Box
8021 Zurich
T +41 44 2 777 999
© 2019 Public EyeImprintPrivacyGTB
Damaksanitationwatch fully translate and published in support of spreading of the Public Eye call for solidarity with protesting students on climate strike on March 15, 2019.
By: Akgri Mbabugri Daniel

Zurich / Lausanne, March 8, 2019
Public eye
At #FridaysForFuture, young people take the planet's future into their own hands and denounce the indifference and selfishness of the powerful. Persistently and radically they challenge established conditions and dangerous habits. The young people have every reason to do so - and they have our support. Because global responsibility (and thus climate justice) starts with us.
In 1972, the study "The Limits to Growth" was presented in St. Gallen. In it, the authors warned of humanitarian crises and irreparable environmental damage by unchecked growth and hoped at the same time that mankind would succeed in reaching new and sustainable states of equilibrium. The study became a bestseller, but hopes remained unfulfilled. In 1990, the International Climate Council (IPCC) presented its first report in Geneva, urgently warning against global warming and rising sea levels if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced. In the meantime, we have arrived at the fifth IPCC report, but policy measures are still in the pipeline.
The young people who have been striking in Switzerland since December were born into a climate policy standstill and rightly call out: "We are here! We are loud! Because you steal the future from us! "Not only do they pose the obvious and embarrassing question," why have not you done all these years, you knew it? " Moreover, they do the only sensible thing in this situation: they no longer hope for the insight of the powerful, but themselves initiate the necessary reversal. School and politics should be proud of this commitment instead of responding to threats and unexcused absences.
The climate strike movement also criticizes the environmental balance sheet of corporations and at the same time rejects their claims to ownership of the resources of our planet. It criticizes the decades-long failure of politics to place global climate justice and thus the well-being of all people above private profit interests. Increasingly desperate try some property wardens and climate deniers to defame the strikers as blinded. It is the other way round: The youthful movement is powerful and at the same time light, because it no longer intimidates and controls itself from outdated and demonstrably harmful ideologies. In view of the state of our world, demands for abandoning the dogma of growth, the end of the fossil era, and effective political intervention in the economy are only logical and pragmatic.
The new climate movement is also so powerful because it makes climate and environmental protection not primarily our all consumer behavior, but the policy responsible. It does matter what and how much is consumed. But systemic problems call for systemic solutions, and that requires bold political measures.
Public Eye is convinced that a grandson-capable world is possible. The recognition and respect of our ecological limits is an indispensable prerequisite for this. Effective climate and environmental protection is also inseparable from democracy and social justice.
The global climate strike movement shows how much strength and creativity is released when we tackle the transformation of our economic and lifestyles together, when we struggle with our contradictions without being discouraged by those in the dark, when we develop concrete solutions and new perspectives together : In our minds and in our everyday lives, on the streets and squares, in schools and colleges, in companies and associations, in politics and at the polls.
Therefore, we join the climatic strikers on 15 March and call for solidary Mitdemonstrieren. The Public Eye Secretariat will be closed on the next #FridayForFuture.
Public eye
Dienerstrasse 12
P.O. Box
8021 Zurich
T +41 44 2 777 999
© 2019 Public EyeImprintPrivacyGTB
Damaksanitationwatch fully translate and published in support of spreading of the Public Eye call for solidarity with protesting students on climate strike on March 15, 2019.
By: Akgri Mbabugri Daniel