Flavia ROBIN, a Swiss Maître-de-Cabine&musician (violin) in the GNSO,who currently spends her free time teaching children in deprived areas of Nima,Accra, (Ghana) general hygiene, has urged parents and guidance to do same in order to impact knowledge in children the way to live in hygiene.
The appeal she made took place at the so-called 'French School' or 'AMIS'' near Mamobi Gutter in Accra, Ghana, where she taught children how and when to wash their hands as part of their daily life ritual to prevent airborne diseases (caused by bacteria&viruses). She stressed on individual's abased positive attitudinal towards sanitation, which she urged should be improved to a regular standard.
That not with standing, she further appealed on parents that, "POSTERS", which the children coloured according to their gus to should be subsequently stuck on the fridge at home (as a visual reminder of regular hygiene).
The motive behind was that, most children in Nima hail from a French-speaking background (Togo,Mali,Burkina,Niger) etc. Thus,through acting in a numorous way,their families are also addressed and involved. By Akgri M. Daniel