He said sanitation is not a blaming game that should be played on the shoulder of government.
Hence, appealing to residents of Kumasi to support efforts at transforming the city into a modern state. Mr Akgri said all stakeholders, especially traders, vendors, hawkers and visitors had to play their part to ensure that Kumasi regained its envious status as the ‘garden city’ of West Africa.
Piorier to this year's Independence Day celebration for the first time in history to be held in the Ashanti Regional capital, Kumasi, Mr. Akgri pointed out that despite efforts by the Regional Minister, Mr. Simon Osei Mensah and the Chief Executive of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA), Mr. Osei Assibey Antwi, to keep the city clean, some residents still disposed of refuse indiscriminately and lived in filth. He said it is time all well-meaning residents rallied behind the Mayor to ensure discipline and sanity in the city, especially at the central business district including the new Kejetia Market and the surrounding communities within the Kumasi metropolitan Assembly and beyond.
He stressed on the need for the existing bye-laws on sanitation to be enforced to stop hawkers from trying to sell on the pavements of the central business districts. He further on urged residents to rekindle their communal spirit and embark on voluntary cleaning up exercises to clear silt from choked gutters as well as weed bushy and swampy areas, to help keep the city clean. Garbage bins placed at vantage points must also be emptied on time when they became full.