Damak Sanitation Watch Health 2021 Project to be executed =Call For Support of our 2021 Project= (Deprived Community Sexual Reproductive and Covid-19 Capacity Enhancement Campaign: Project period: three (3) months).
2021 Project to be executed =Call For Support of our 2021 Project= (Deprived Community Sexual Reproductive and Covid-19 Capacity Enhancement Campaign: Project period: three (3) months) “An Innovative Approach to end Sexual and Reproductive Health Challenges in Deprived Communities and Organized Community Covid-19 Awareness campaign”.
DAMAK Sanitation Watch and Health…is a Non-Governmental Organization that seeks to resolve environmental challenges through culture, tradition, education and economic approaches in Ghana, especially in deprived communities using new innovative mechanisms in our quest to help find accessible and long-teem health related solutions to society.
In Ghana, tradition has compelled women and girls living in deprived communities to endure pre-marital sex, early marriage and pregnancy including liberal attitudes. Teens in several communities in the Northern part of Ghana are being forced into early marriage engaging in sexual intercourse without adequate knowledge of sexual and reproductive health and with limited access to appropriate sexual guidance. Ghana also shows negative social and economic repercussions:
The most highly publicized that stems from lack of educational opportunities, tradition and culture has forced young women to leave school. Females in Ghana represent 51.2 per cent of the entire population of 30 million, whereas adolescents represent 22.4 per cent of the total population according to the 2010 population census of Ghana. There have been steady increases in adolescent pregnancies in the Northern region of Ghana from 2014 to 2016 according to the annual report presented by the Ghana Health Service in 2016. In 2014, adolescent pregnancies stood at 10.4 per cent, in 2015, a slight increase to 10.7 per cent and 10.9 per cent in 2016, indicating that more and more adolescents risk being subjected to maternal death, delivery complications, premature births and cepha.
In Ghana it is adolescents who face the highest risks of pregnancy-related mortality, delivery complications, and premature births or low-birth weight babies. Teenage pregnancy in Ghana also has negative social and economic repercussions The most highly publicized that stems from lack of educational opportunities, a situation which forces young women to leave school. Females represent 51.2 per cent of the entire population of 25 million, whereas adolescents represent 22.4 per cent of the total population according to the 2010 population census of Ghana. Women and Girls are being forced or lured into unprepared sex as a result of tradition, culture and economic challenges, where parents force adolescent girls into marriage, exposing them to early sex and premature birth…
Damak Sanitation Watch and Health, shall engage traditional authorities in the following six (6) deprived communities in the Northern Region:Salaga, Gusgu, Garu, Bimbilla, Nakpeduri and Banda.
We shall organize workshops to educate opinion leaders who kowtow to their tradition and culture, we shall employ health experts to counsel community elders on why girls should not be forced into early marriage and the serious implications associated with premature sex and reproductive crisis.
Health experts’ will teach young girls the skills of sex and the need to protect themselves, communicate about general sexuality and sexual health. Throughout their lives, people communicate with parents, friends and intimate partners about sexuality. Learning to freely discuss contraception and condoms as well as activities they are not ready for, protecting young people’s health throughout their lives, and this will be done in three (3) months. Workshop-Day One (Sexual Reproductive Education).
The organization, shall also organize two day basic sexual and reproductive health preventive measures to women and girls age 15-20 in each community. We shall employ health experts, educationists to take them through the risks of early marriage, pre-mature sexual intercourse and early child-birth, social interaction and the free will to discuss their sex issues with parents and health professionals. Day-Two (Covid-19 Awareness Campaign) On the day two, we shall engage community members in a public forum on Covid-19 awareness campaign, where our health experts will educate members on the spread of the virus and how to observe our safety protocols.
The platform will be created for questioners relating to the Covid-19 spread and fear associated with it. We shall introduce a free hot line where people living in the deprived communities can call health experts for Covid-19 updates on a daily basis. After the two day workshops, we shall assign Sexual Reproductive Health and Covid-19 Ambassadors in each community& equip them with mobile phones to report sexual harassments, forced marriage and Covid-19- related issues through a WhatsApp platform.
The platform shall include: doctors, educationists, psychologies, religious leaders (pastors) to counsel girls on why they should observe and resist from unhealthy sexual intercourse, early marriage and update them with accurate information about the Coronavirus. We will collaborate with the various district health directories, where girls with sexual abuse and premature birth implications and signs of Covid-19 symptoms to report are being taken care of.
We shall organize a Covid-19 training workshop to educate community members on hand washing, the correct wearing of a face mask, how to observe social distancing and how to eat nutritious food to boost their immune system. After the workshop, PPEs, face mask, alcohol based-hand sanitizers, condoms, and contraceptives will be given out to girls and community members. We shall involve the ambassadors every three (3) months in sequential sexual and reproductive health forums; sensitization or capacity building training will take place in each of the 5 communities to brainstorm and create awareness on Covid-19 pandemic, whereas an annual conference be held for all ambassadors in the six (6) communities every year to learn, socialize and build a physical network with different people and tribes.
Damak Santation Watch and Health, after donating alcohol based-hand sanitizers to Kumasi children Orphanage home, the Kumasi Children hospital and the Ghana Prison Services-Kumasi head officer in our capacity to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the region and also construct water project at Konkole is inspired with an objective to create a WatsApp platform containing sexual reproductive health tips, updates and guidelines of Covid-19 information to empower adolescent girls in deprived communities in Ghana to eradicate sexual implications and to prevent future spread of covid-19.
Contact Director, Mr. Daniel Mbabugri Akgri on: 024 899 8510